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Our team


On 14/15th of January we - Michał Nizioł, Marek Pawłowski, Dominik Michalczyk and me - participated in BITEhack, in the robotic category. Our task was to build a robot in 24h using parts given to us by the organizers. The main topic we were given was: “Survival in extreme situations”.

What we built

Our team came up with an idea of a two-wheeled robot, whose objective was to autonomously drive around in search of water, in the meantime mapping it’s surrounding. Robot’s frame was designed in Fusion360 and 3D printed with just about under half the time remaining. Then we could fully focus on the electronics and programming of the microcontroller, which in this case was a development board - ESP32-wroom - given to us by the ogranizers with the rest of the parts: motors with controller, water pump, humidity and tempereture sensor, distance sensor - used for scanning the environment, and many more.

Project files

All of the project files can be found on our github, that we used during the hackaton itself, under the following link:

